Pagina dedicata companiei SAP SE listata cu simbolurile DE.SAP, SAP, US.SAP
Descriere companie[edit | ]
SAP SE ( is a Germany-based company that offers enterprise application software. The Company operates through three segments: Applications, Technology & Services segment, which is engaged in the sale of software licenses, subscriptions to its cloud applications, and related services, primarily support services and various professional services, and support services, as well as implementation services of its software products and education services on the use of its products; the SAP Business Network segment, which includes its cloud-based collaborative business networks and services relating to the SAP Business Network, including cloud applications, professional services and education services, as well as the Company markets and sells the cloud offerings developed by SAP Ariba, SAP Fieldglass and Concur, and the Customer Experience segment, which comprises on-premise and cloud-based products that run front office functions across the customer experience.
Grafic actiuni companie[edit | ]
Ultimele stiri despre SAP SE (DE.SAP)[edit | ]
Ultimele stiri despre SAP SE (SAP)[edit | ]
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