Enbridge Inc: Diferență între versiuni

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Versiunea de la data 21 aprilie 2023 15:10

Pagina dedicata companiei Enbridge Inc listata cu simbolurile US.ENB, CA.ENB

Descriere companie

Enbridge Inc. (www.enbridge.com) is an energy transportation and distribution company. Its segments include Liquids Pipelines; Gas Transmission and Midstream; Gas Distribution and Storage; Renewable Power Generation; and Energy Service. Liquids Pipelines consists of pipelines and terminals that transport various grades of crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons. Gas Transmission and Midstream consists of its investments in natural gas pipelines and gathering and processing facilities in Canada and the United States, including United States Gas Transmission, Canadian Gas Transmission, United States Midstream and other assets. Gas Distribution and Storage consists of its natural gas utility operations. Renewable Power Generation consists of investments in wind and solar assets, as well as geothermal, waste heat recovery, and transmission assets. Energy Services provides physical commodity marketing and logistical services to North American refiners, producers, and other customers.

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