Centrus Energy Corp

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Versiunea din 18 septembrie 2024 20:09, autor: Admin (discuție | contribuții)
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Pagina dedicata companiei Centrus Energy Corp listata cu simbolul US.LEU

Descriere companie

Centrus Energy Corp. (www.centrusenergy.com) is a supplier of nuclear fuel and services for the nuclear power industry. It operates through two segments: low-enriched uranium (LEU) and technical solutions. LEU supplies various components of nuclear fuel to utilities from its global network of suppliers and involves the sale of nuclear fuel to utilities operating commercial nuclear power plants. Low-enriched uranium consists of two components: separative work units (SWU) and uranium. The LEU segment includes sales of the SWU component of LEU, sales of both the SWU and uranium components of LEU, and sales of natural uranium. The Company supplies LEU and its components to both domestic and international utilities for use in nuclear reactors worldwide. Technical solutions provides advanced engineering, design and manufacturing services to government and private sector customers, and is deploying advanced nuclear fuel production capabilities to power existing and next-generation reactors around the world.

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