Deutsche Telekom AG
Pagina dedicata companiei Deutsche Telekom AG listata cu simbolurile DTE, DE.DTE
Descriere companie
Deutsche Telekom AG ( a Germany-based company that provides information technology (IT) and telecommunications services. The Company's operating segments include Germany, consisting of fixed-network and mobile activities in Germany; United States, which consists of mobile activities in the United States market; Europe, consisting of fixed-network and mobile operations of the national companies in various European countries, such as Greece, Romania, Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Austria, Albania, Macedonia and Montenegro; Systems Solutions, which operates information and communication technology (ICT) systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions; Group Development, comprising the entities T-Mobile Netherlands and Deutsche Funkturm (DFMG) and its equity investment in Stroeer SE & Co. KGaA, and Group Headquarters & Group Services, which consists of the operations of service headquarters and various other subsidiaries of the Company.
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- (DTE) va face arhivare electronica in centrul sau de la Cluj - 06 decembrie 2018
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