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AROUNDTOWN: Diferență între versiuni
Pagină nouă: Pagina dedicata companiei AROUNDTOWN listata cu simbolul DE.AT1 ==Descriere companie== Aroundtown SA (http://www.aroundtown.de/) is a Luxembourg-based company, which is engaged in the real estate sector. The Company invests in commercial and residential, income generating, properties primarily in Germany and the Netherlands. The commercial properties are held by the Company and in addition Aroundtown SA holds interest in Grand City Properties SA (GCP), a real estate company...
Admin (discuție | contribuții) (Pagină nouă: Pagina dedicata companiei AROUNDTOWN listata cu simbolul DE.AT1 ==Descriere companie== Aroundtown SA (http://www.aroundtown.de/) is a Luxembourg-based company, which is engaged in the real estate sector. The Company invests in commercial and residential, income generating, properties primarily in Germany and the Netherlands. The commercial properties are held by the Company and in addition Aroundtown SA holds interest in Grand City Properties SA (GCP), a real estate company...) |
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