Tesla (US.TSLA) Among Biggest Losers as China's Car Sales Fall on Covid Lockdowns - 11 mai 2022

De la TradeVille.ro wiki

Passenger-car sales in April tumbled to 1.04 million vehicles, the China Passenger Car Association said Tuesday, while production fell even more sharply, by 41%, to 969,000 vehicles. Among those hardest hit were Tesla Inc., Volkswagen AG and Nissan Motor Co. Last month, Tesla sold just 1,512 cars made at its Shanghai plant, down 94% from a year ago and far below the more than 65,000 it sold in March, according to data from the association.

The electric-vehicle giant is struggling to get operations back into full swing despite reopening its Shanghai factory on April 19 after a 22-day suspension. Tesla made 10,757 cars at the plant in April, a fraction of normal output.

On Tuesday, it cut daily output again to fewer than 200 cars because supplies of some key components were suspended, according to people familiar with the matter. Tesla had been aiming to boost capacity to 2,600 cars a day, the pre-lockdown level, by mid-May as more workers are released from lockdowns, the people said.
