UiPath, Inc.
Pagina dedicata companiei UiPath, Inc. listata cu simbolul US.PATH
Descriere companie[edit | ]
UiPath, Inc (https://www.uipath.com/) is an enterprise automation software company. The Company offers an end-to-end platform for automation, combining the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution with a suite of capabilities that enable every organization to scale digital business operations. The Company’s platform is designed to transform the way humans work. It provides its customers with a robust set of capabilities to discover automation opportunities and build, manage, run, engage, measure, and govern automations across departments within an organization. Its platform leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) based computer vision to enable its software robots to perform an array of actions as a human would when executing business processes. It serves industries, such as business process outsourcing (BPO), finance and banking, insurance, healthcare, telecom, manufacturing, retail, public sector, retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) and business process automation (BPA).
Grafic actiuni companie[edit | ]
Ultimele stiri despre UiPath, Inc. (US.PATH)[edit | ]
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- Soros a renuntat la UiPath (US.PATH) dupa doar cateva luni - 22 februarie 2022
- Lovitura pentru UiPath: Actiunile scad accelerat si ating un minim istoric dupa ce compania raporteaza pierderi mai mari in T2/2022. Scaderi de pana la 16% pe Bursa de la New York, la pierderi raportate de 120 mil. USD - 07 septembrie 2022
- Cloud stocks mount big rally led by UiPath, as investors bet tech valuations have bottomed - 03 iunie 2022