Pagina dedicata companiei OMV AG listata cu simbolurile AT.OMV, DE.OMV, OMV
Descriere companie
OMV AG (OMV) ( is an Austria-based integrated oil and gas company. The Company operates through two segments: Upstream and Downstream. The Upstream segment focuses on the exploration, development and production of oil and gas in five core regions: Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), the Middle East and Africa, the North Sea, Russia and Asia-Pacific. The Company has a production capacity of over 400 thousand barrel of oil equivalent per day (kboe/d). The Downstream segment comprises two business units: Downstream Oil, that operates around 2,100 filling stations in approximately 10 countries, refineries in Austria and Germany, both of which feature integrated petrochemical production, as well as refinery in Romania, which processes predominantly Romanian crude oil, and Downstream Gas, that focuses on gas trade and sales, as well as owns gas storage facilities in Austria and Germany. Its subsidiary Gas Connect Austria GmbH operates a gas pipeline network in Austria.
Informatii companie
Cod fiscal | -10000101 |
Grafic actiuni companie
Ultimele stiri despre OMV AG (AT.OMV)
Ultimele stiri despre OMV AG (DE.OMV)
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Ultimele stiri despre OMV AG (OMV)
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- Un manager OMV care s-a ocupat de restructurarea (SNP) in cursa pentru postul de director de E&P al grupului - 13 februarie 2015
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- Bancile si (FP), in topul tranzactiilor de pe Bursa - 30 ianuarie 2015
- Petrolul ieftin a intors actiunile (SNP) la cotatia din 2012 - 16 decembrie 2014
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- Semne rele in apropierea rezultatelor (SNP): productia este mai mica, iar vanzarile de gaze si energie au un minus de 22% in T3 - 28 noiembrie 2014
- Dupa taxa pe stalp si accize, businessul (SNP) a mai primit o lovitura: barilul de petrol s-a ieftinit cu 23% - 30 octombrie 2014
- Director (SNP): Ieftinirea barilului de petrol pune presiune pe investitii - 22 octombrie 2014
- Semne rele in apropierea rezultatelor (SNP): productia este mai mica, iar vanzarile de gaze si energie au un minus de 22% in T3 - 21 octombrie 2014