Delta Air Lines Inc
Pagina dedicata companiei Delta Air Lines Inc listata cu simbolul US.DAL
Descriere companieModificare
Delta Air Lines, Inc. ( provides scheduled air transportation for passengers and cargo throughout the United States and across the world. The Company's segments include Airline and Refinery. The Company has hubs and market presence in Amsterdam, London-Heathrow, Mexico City, Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Seoul-Incheon. Its airline segment is managed as a single business unit that provides scheduled air transportation for passengers and cargo throughout the United States and around the world and includes its loyalty program, as well as other ancillary airline services. Its refinery segment operates for the benefit of the airline segment by providing jet fuel to the airline segment from its own production and through jet fuel obtained through agreements with third parties. The refinery's production consists of jet fuel, as well as non-jet fuel products. It also maintains complementary portfolio businesses, such as its cargo business and its Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) operation.
Grafic actiuni companieModificare
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